“Inspiration is the fuel for an artist/ designer; it’s what gets our creative juices flowing. It’s natural for that imagination to have its slow days and fizzle out; it doesn’t mean that you’re losing your talent… Anything can inspire the artist.”

As a beginning designer, it is very easy to feel overwhelmed. The knowledge surrounding design is vast, so how do you begin to tackle it? One of the most important lessons I have learned is that your skills do not come over night, but rather evolve day to day. Each great designer has walked in your shoes. But each of these designers did not become great at what they do on accident. They actively stretched the limits of their designers each and every time, expanding their knowledge and skills. What better to actively gain knowledge in design then observing work made by the great designers that are paving our way? One of the most important lessons I have learned as a designer this year is the importance of inspiration. Each piece has the capability of teaching us something new. It is our job to discover how it impacts our designs.

At the beginning of each project, my professor assigns each of us to go to the library to find a design book with inspiration. What used to be one of the most mundane assignments has turned into one of my favorite parts getting assigned a new project. I think the action of going to the library and searching through the various design books is important. I often find inspiration when I am expecting it the least.



I think a common misconception by young artists is what inspiration looks like. Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms. For example, during my packaging project, I looked at many different medias for inspiration. One website that I have utilized many times for inspiration, is A website for designers to share their work in hopes of inspiring the next artist. As designers, we become part of a collaborative community. A community that thrives on individuals giving and taking.


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